Environmental Law – Syllabus


Environmental problems have attained alarming proportions. It is essential to sensitise thestudents to environmental issues and the laws. The important principles in the field like inter-generation equity, carrying capacity, sustainable development, and precautionary principle,polluter pay principles are to be appreciated. The law in practice is to be analysed and evaluated.The course is designed towards these objectives.

Course contents:


The Idea of Environment:

Environment: meaning and components- Pollution: meaning, sources, Kinds, and effects of pollution

Ancient and Medieval Writings

Environmental jurisprudence

National environmental policy.


Environmental Policy and Law: Pre & Post Independence Period

Constitutional provisions on Environment and its Protection: Right to Environment – Duty to protect environment – Public interest litigation and environment -Role of Judiciary on Environmental issues -Doctrines of Environmental Pollution: Evolving new Principles – Absolute Liability -Polluter pays principle Precautionary principle – Inter generational equity principle -Public trust doctrine.


International Law and Environmental Protection

Sustainable Development -International conventions in the development of Environmental Laws and its Policy

Stockholm – Rio & Johannesburg Declaration -Trans-boundary Pollution hazards & Regulation

Common Law aspects of Environmental Protection – Criminal Law and environment.


Prevention and Control of Water & Air Pollution: Water Act, 1974 and Air Act, 1981

Pollution Control Boards and its powers and functions- offences and penalties

Remedies in case of water and air pollution

Noise Pollution and its control: Noise Pollution (Regulation & Control) Rules, 2000

Wildlife Protection Act, 1972: Hunting – Trade in Animal articles Authorities under wild life protection Act- Role of Judiciary on wild life protection – Forest Conservation Act, 1980 – judicial approach.


Environment Protection Act, 1986 – ECO-Mark

Environmental Audit – Coastal Regulation Zone

Environment Impact Assessment: Discretionary Model and Mandatory Model,

Regulation on Bio-Medical Waste – Disposal of Solid Waste.

Prescribed Books:

1. P. Leela Krishnan, Environmental Law in India, Third Edition, Lexis Nexis Armin Rosencranz – Environmental Law and Its Policy in India.
2. S. C. Shastri, Enivronmental Law, Third Edition, Eastern Book Company.

Reference Books:

1. Lal’s Encyclopedia on Environment Protection and Pollution laws, Fifth Edition, Volume I & 2. Delhi Law House.
2. Shyam Divan and Armin Rosencranz, Environmental Law and Policy in India (Cases, Materials and Statutes), Second Edition, Oxford University Press.
3. Relevant Bare Acts/Notifications.