Human Rights Law and Practice – Syllabus


The objectives of the course are to prepare for responsible citizenship with awareness of the
relationship between Human Rights, democracy and development; to foster respect for
international obligations for peace and development; to impart education on national and
international regime of Human Rights; to sensitize students to human suffering and promotion of
human life with dignity; to develop skills on human rights advocacy and to appreciate the
relationship between rights and duties and to foster respect for tolerance and compassion for all
living creatures.

Course contents:


Jurisprudence of Human Rights; Nature, definition, origin and theories of human rights.


Universal protection of human rights- United Nations and Human Rights- Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948;

International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, 1966;

International Covenant Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 1966.


Regional Protection of Human rights- European system- Inter American System- African System


Protection of Human Rights at national level;

Human rights and the Constitution; The Protection of Human rights Act, 1993.


Human Rights and Vulnerable Groups: Rights of Women, Children, Disabled, Tribals, Aged and Minorities – National and International Legal Developments.

Prescribed Books:

Theodor, Meron, Human Rights and International Law: Legal and Policy Issues, 2 Vols.
Kapoor,S.K., International Law and Human Rights, Central Law Agency, 2014).

Reference Books:

Luis, Henkin, “The Rights of Man Today”, University of Miami Inter- American Law Review, Vol.,11, Spring 1979 (p.229-244)
Singh, Nagendra,Enforcement of Human Rights in Peace and War and the future of humanity,(Calcutta: Eastern Law House 1986)

Relevant International Instruments.
United Nations Charter. 1945.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948.
International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, 1948.
International covenant on civil and Political Rights, 1966.
International covenant on Economic and Cultural Rights, 1966.
Convention on Elimination of All forms of Discrimination against Women, 1979.
Convention on the Rights of the Child, 1989.