Criminal Law -I Indian Penal Code – Syllabus


This course is designed to understand the meaning of crime, methods of controlling them and the
essential principles of criminal liability by a study of a range of offences under the Indian Penal

Course contents:


General Principles of Crime; Conceptions of Crime; Distinction between Crime and other wrongs under common Law.

Principles of criminal liability, Actus reus and mens rea (also statutory offences) and other maxims;

Variations in liability – Mistake, intoxication, compulsion, legally abnormal persons;

Possible parties to the crime: Principal in the Ist degree; Principal in the IInd degree; Accessories before the fact: Accessories after the fact.

Indian Penal Code: General Explanation: From Section 1 to 5, Sections 6, 7, Sections 21 to 30, 32 to 37 and section 52 & 52A, Punishment: From Sections 53 to 55A, 63, 64, 65, Section 73 to 75.


General Exceptions: Sections 76 – 106; Abetment: Sections 107 – 120;

Criminal Conspiracy: Sections 120A & 120B; Offences against State: Sections 121 – 130; Offences against the public
tranquility: Sections 141 – 160;

Difference between Section 34 & 149-Offences relating to election: Contempt of lawful Authority and Public Servants (Brief discussion): Sections 172

False evidence: Sections 191- 197.

Sections 208 – 212: Offences relating to coins and Government

Stamps: Sections 230 to 240 & 263A;

Public Nuisance & Private Nuisance: Offences relating to religion: Section 295 – 298.


Offences affecting human life: (Section 299 to 311) – Hurt, Grievous Hurt – Wrongful restraint • Wrong confinement – Criminal force and Assault.


Kidnapping, Abduction

Sexual offences: Rape: custodial rape, marital rape (Sections 375-377)

Offences against property: Theft, robbery and dacoity

Criminal Misappropriation of property

Criminal breach of trust

Receiving of stolen property


Fraudulent deeds and disposition of property.



Criminal Trespass

Offences relating to document and property marks

Offences relating to marriage (Sections 493 – 498 A)

Defamation (Sections 499-502)

Criminal intimidation and annoyance and attempt to commit such offences (Sections 506 – 511).

Prescribed Books:

Rathanlal and Dhirajlal, The Indian Penal Code, (New Delhi: Lexis Nexis Butterworths Wadhwa Nagpur 2012)
Turner, Cecil J.W., Kenny’s Outlines of Criminal Law, ( New York: Cambridge University Press 2013).

References Books:

K. D. Gaur, A Text Book on the Indian Penal Code, (New Delhi: Universal Publishing Co., 2012)
K.I Vibhuti, P. S. Achuthan Pillai’s Criminal Law, (Lexis Nexis Butterworths Wadha Nagpur: 2012)
Williams, Glanville Text Book of Criminal Law, (New Delhi: Universal Law Publishing Co.,2012)