International Trade Economics – Syllabus


International trade has assumed great importance in 215 century and its regulation under law has
become a necessity to prevent exploitation of the weaker people. A new legal regime to regulate
international trade is emerging.
Students of law should have
understanding of these
developments. This course is worked out to provide the future lawyers basic inputs in the area of
international trade law.

Course contents:


Historical perspectives of International Trade

Institutions – UNCTAD, UNCITRAL, GATT (1947-1994)

World Trade Organization-Objectives, Structure, Power

Most Favored Nation Treatment and National Treatment

Tariffs and Safeguard measures.


Technical Barriers to Trade;

Sanitary and Phyto- sanitary measures;

Trade Related Investment Measures(TRIMs)

Anti- Dumping, Subsidies and Countervailing Measures

Dispute Settlement Process.


International Sales of Goods Formation and Performance of International Contracts

Various Forms and Standardization of Terms

Acceptance and Rejection of Goods,

Frustration of Contract, Invoices and packing, Product liability.


Exports – Insurance of Goods in Transit

Marine Insurance and kinds; Law on Carriage of goods by sea, land and air, Container transport, Pre-Shipment Inspection

Licensing of Export and Imports.


Laws Governing Finance and Investments; Foreign Collaboration and Investment Policy;

Foreign Direct Investment in Industries and Governing Policies;

Foreign Institutional Investors (FIls)

Investment by Non-resident Indians (NRIs) and Overseas Corporate Bodies (OCBs);

Foreign Collaboration Agreement- Foreign Technology Agreement;

Foreign Companies and Foreign Nationals in India.

Prescribed Books:

Bhalla, Raj, International Trade Law: Theory and Practice, 2nd Edition, ( Lexis Nexis, 2001)
Kaul A.K., Guide to the WTO and GATT: Economics, Law and Politics, (Kluwer Law International , 2006)