Right to Information – Syllabus


Free exchange of ideas is a basic pillar of a democratic society. Corruption thrives in sacred places,
therefore it is stated that sunlight is the best disinfectant. There should be governance in sunshine. The
course is designed to convince the students how the right to information infuses transparency and
accountability in governance, preventing abuse of power.

Course contents:


Historical development of Freedom of Information in Sweden, USA & UK.

Right to Information before Right to Information Act, 2005 in India.

Significance in democracy; Constitutional basis; Supreme Court on right to information.


RTI Act- definitions

Right to information and obligations of public authorities.


Central information commission

State information commission

Powers and functions of information commissions

Appeals and penalties.


Other related laws – The Official Secrets Act, 1923; The Public Records Act, 1993; The Public Records Rules, 1997; The Freedom of Information Act, 2002; The Commission of Inquiry Act, 1952; The Commission of Inquiry (Central) Rules, 1972.


RTI Judicial response: Supreme Court & High Court decisions on RTl:

Best practices – A study of decisions rendered by state commissions and central Commission in the following areas of – Police, Revenue, PWD, Irrigation, Secretariat, BSNL, Posts and Telegraphs, Scheduled Banks, CPWD, Income Tax Department, Central Excise Department, Local Authorities.

Prescribed Books:

J.H.Barowalia, Commentary on the right to Information Act (Universal Law Publications.
Kamath, Nandan, A Guide to Cyber Laws and IT Act, 2000 with Rules and Notifications, 3rd Edition, (Universal Law Publisher, 2007)

Reference Books:

Dr. Farooq Ahmed, Cyber Law in India, 3r Edition, (New Era Law Publisher, 2008)
Joga Rao, S.V., Law Relating to Right to Information-A Comprehensive and Insightful Commentary
with comparative Perspectives, (Jain Book Agency, 2009)
Dr. Madubhushi Sridhar: Right to Information, Law & Practice (latest edition).