White Collar Crimes - Syllabus


This course focuses on the criminality of the privileged classes the wielders of all forms of state and social power. The course focuses on the relation between privilege, power and deviant behaviour. The traditional approaches which highlight white collar offences, socio-economic offences or crimes of powerful deal mainly deal with the deviance of the economically resourceful. The dimension of deviance associated with the bureaucracy, the new rich, religious leaders and organisations, professional classes are to be addressed. In teaching this course, current developments in deviants reflected in press and media, law reports and legislative proceedings are to be focussed.

Course contents:


Introduction – Concept of white collar crime

Indian approaches to socio-economic offences

forms of privileged class deviance – official deviance (Legislators, judges and bureaucrats),

professional deviance, trade union deviants, land law deviance, upper class deviance, police deviance, gender based deviance, deviance by religious leaders and organisations.


Official deviance;

Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988.


Police and politicians’ deviance;

N.N.Vorha Committee Report;

Lokpal and Lokayukta institutions.


Professional deviance;

Medical profession – The Lentin Commission Report;

Legal profession Opinions of Disciplinary Committee of Bar Council of India.


Gender based deviance – sexual harassment;

Offences against scheduled castes and scheduled tribes

Prescribed Books:

Edwin H. Sutherland- Criminology.
Ahmad Siddique. Criminology.

Reference Books:

Upendra Baxi- The Crisis of Indian Legal system.
Upendra Baxi- Law and Poverty.
Upendra Baxi- Liberty and Corruption.
A.R.Desai- Violation of Democratic Rights in India.